What does splitface stone tile mean on an accent wall?

What does splitface stone tile mean on an accent wall?

When it comes to making your home look awesome, few things are as cool as an accent wall. One popular choice for these walls is splitface stone tile. If you want to combine beauty and strength, splitface stone tile is a great option. Here at Wall Mastery, your go-to accent wall installation experts in sunny Florida, we know how much splitface stone tiles can change a room. In this article, we’ll explore what splitface stone tile is, why it’s great for accent walls, and how it can make your home look amazing.

What is Splitface Stone Tile?

Splitface stone tile is a type of natural stone that has a bumpy, textured surface. Instead of cutting the stone, it’s split, which shows off its natural beauty. This process creates unique shapes and colors, giving it character and depth. When used on an accent wall, splitface stone tile looks really impressive and can give your space a stylish, rustic feel.

Accent walls are often the star of the room. With the textured look of splitface stone tiles, they create an exciting contrast with smooth walls, grabbing attention and making the room look more interesting. Whether you want to add some flair to your living room, dining room, or even a bathroom, splitface stone tile is perfect for setting the mood.

Why Choose Splitface Stone Tile?
1. Stunning Looks

One of the best things about splitface stone tiles is how great they look. The texture catches light in different ways throughout the day, creating a dynamic appearance. The natural colors of splitface stone can fit perfectly with different styles, whether your home is cozy and rustic or sleek and modern.

2. Super Strong

Splitface stone tiles are very strong and can last a long time, making them a smart choice for accent walls. Unlike paint or wallpaper that can chip or fade, these tiles stand up to wear and tear, ensuring your accent wall looks fantastic for years to come.

3. Versatile Use

If you’re updating your home or just want a change, splitface stone tiles can be used in many ways. They aren’t just for accent walls; you can use them on fireplaces, kitchen backsplashes, or even outside. This flexibility allows you to create a beautiful, matching design throughout your home.

4. Easy to Take Care Of

Taking care of splitface stone tiles is super simple! Unlike painted walls that need constant touch-ups, all you need is a quick wipe with a damp cloth and occasional sealing to keep your accent wall looking fresh. This is especially nice for busy homeowners in Florida who want beauty without the hassle.

5. Good for the Planet

If you care about the environment, splitface stone tiles can be a more eco-friendly option than synthetic materials. Natural stone is sustainable and can often be found locally, which helps cut down on transportation emissions. At Wall Mastery, we support eco-friendly choices that are great for our clients and the planet.

How to Install Splitface Stone Tile

Installing splitface stone tile on an accent wall can be an exciting project that can really improve your home. At Wall Mastery, we specialize in making sure your accent wall turns out just right!


Before we get started, we check the wall to make sure it’s strong enough and clean. Proper preparation is key for a successful installation.

Layout Planning

Planning how the tiles will go on the wall is important. Our team will help you decide the best way to lay out the splitface stone tiles, considering how the room looks and how the light shines in. We often suggest a staggered layout to highlight the tiles’ cool textures.

Installation Process

We start by applying a layer of mortar on the wall and carefully placing each tile. Our skilled craftsmen pay close attention to detail, making sure everything is aligned perfectly and that the grout lines look consistent. This is what makes Wall Mastery stand out as the top accent wall installation company in Florida.

Finishing Touches

After the tiles are up, we apply grout to fill the spaces between them, giving your accent wall a polished look. Once the grout sets, we recommend sealing the tiles to keep them safe from moisture and stains, especially in Florida’s humid weather.

Design Ideas for Splitface Stone Accent Walls

If you’re thinking about using splitface stone tiles for your accent wall, here are some fun ideas to inspire you:

1. Living Room Style

Create an amazing focal point in your living room by putting splitface stone tiles behind your fireplace or TV. This adds warmth and texture, making your space feel inviting.

2. Charming Dining Areas

In a dining area, splitface stone tiles can enhance the vibe, creating a beautiful backdrop for family gatherings. Pair the stone with warm wood furniture for a cozy yet classy look.

3. Stylish Bathrooms

Transform your bathroom into a spa-like retreat with a splitface stone accent wall. The natural stone adds a touch of luxury and looks fantastic with modern fixtures.

4. Outdoor Fun

With Florida’s beautiful weather, outdoor spaces are perfect for enjoying year-round. A splitface stone accent wall by your patio or pool can create a welcoming place for entertaining guests or relaxing with family.


Splitface stone tile isn’t just a pretty choice; it’s a versatile, durable, and beautiful option for accent walls. At Wall Mastery, we love helping Florida homeowners create stunning interiors that show off their style. Whether you’re into the rustic charm of splitface stone or want to explore other wall decor options, our team is here to help you through the installation process.

Transform your space with the timeless beauty of splitface stone tiles and see how they can change your home. Contact Wall Mastery today to schedule a consultation and find the perfect accent wall solution that suits your style and needs!

Contact Wall Mastery for Your Accent Wall Installations

Call or text: 352-561-3616

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